Blogging is a lot more common now and mainstream. Once upon a time you had to join a blogging platform like Blogger to post your thoughts but with the advent of FOSS blogging scripts anyone can do it. Demotic comes with a blogging engine right out of the box. This is a short tutorial on
 This story about the parent script of WordPress, b2/Cafelog, built by one Michel Valdrighi in 2001, on Github is quite illuminating. It shows right from the beginning the roots
 This is just a bit of expansion on the blog post I wrote 2 years ago on how "WordPress Won The CMS Wars". But we'll picking up on the narrow subject of 2 forks of the original b2/Cafelog script.As you all know
It's 2019. Almost every designer/developer you meet in Nairobi City swears of the advantages of WordPress. Some few years back it wasn't so. Actually, Joomla was the CMS of choice back them. Even small, back alley colleges had an entire unit on Joomla as part of the IT courses. How times
 There is a common view amongst local web designers & web developers that, by default, a site's data should be saved in a full-blown Relational Database Management System like MySQL or PostgreSQL. I am deliberately ignoring simple HTML pages for this post. Perhaps, because WordPress
Getting a good web design is not as simple as it seems. There are a lot of moving parts that have to work in concert to get the best design that you are proud of. Also, Web Design is not as is commonly viewed an easy profession. A typical web designer is tasked to look into things like typography,
Koi fish are ornamental fish.