How To Get A Good Web Design That You Are Proud Of

Getting a good web design is not as simple as it seems. There are a lot of moving parts that have to work in concert to get the best design that you are proud of. Also, Web Design is not as is commonly viewed an easy profession. A typical web designer is tasked to look into things like typography, balance, Color Psychology, User Experience and aesthetics to deliver a site that works for their client.

So, how can you as a web design client get the best site that you are proud of?

  1. One, first identify who shall be your site's audience. Without this you could end up getting a website that does not speak to anyone or it converts the wrong clientele.
  2. Next, identify how your website will work. In design circles, "function always dictates form". It's how something works that determines how it looks; not the other way round ("form dictating function"). While you can focus on the how your site should look first there is a danger that you could create one that does not convert at all. That is wastage of precious manhours and expenses in creating something that looks good but does not work.
  3. Then you can reach out to a web designer. At this point you can learn their work processes, the number of revisions they allow, their pricing and their fee structure etc. It is also good at this point to have a look at their portfolio prior to contacting them. It is at this point you can tell them how your site should work (only after you are pleased with their stuff).
  4. Once you set to work with them it is good to give them as much control of the creative process as possible. They are experts and you have reached out to them to solve your problem. Micro-managing the project has the danger of killing the entire creative process. You wouldn't want a stalled web design project in your hands yet you paid for it.
  5. During the design process you can put in a word on improvements but remember that many web designers do put a ceiling to the number of revisions that they can implement.
  6. Once its done you can approve the work done.

Remember, "a website done is better than a perfect one".


Published: 18th, Friday, Mar, 2022 Last Modified: 18th, Friday, Mar, 2022

SEO Fact...

Google Search Engine prefers responsive websites.