Demotic CMS 1.2 Released

It's been awhile since we released Demotic 1.1. Work to make it work with PHP 8.* is underway. This release, Demotic CMS 1.2, won't work with 8.* but with the next release it will work.

The main feature that ships with this release is the "Maintenance Mode" feature; a pretty cool feature that you can use to place your site on maintenance mode if you are fixing something. As the web master you can still log in back using the secret login URI that you specified. Once logged in you can still view the website normally. Only your anonymous users will be presented with the "Maintenance Mode" page.

Also, the Source Sans Pro font now comes shipped with this release.


WORKS WITH: PHP >= 7.3, >= 7.4

  1. Reorganization of the "Config" section begins.
  2. "Maintenance Mode" config section added. You can now set your site to "maintenance mode" from the configuration section. This will present a nice error message telling your site visitors is down for maintenance.
  3. Demotic's "fake" cron service now logs cURL errors that are not empty strings.
  4. "Source Sans Pro" font now comes bundled with Demotic CMS. It is also our main font for the backend.
  5. Website <title> tag now outputs the website's name. The format is <title> {{ Resource Name }} | {{ Your Website's Name }} <title>
  6. .HTACCESS directives to use Gzip compression of site content by default. You can disable these if they are not working on your web host.


Before running the update instructions below backup your site's files and database.

  1. Open the "update-1.2.sql" file in the "Updates" folder.
  2. Run the SQL statements as specified.
  3. Copy the "Demotic" framework and replace the one in your installation.
  4. Test to see if everything is working right.

That's it for now! Hope to see you downloading the upcoming PHP 8-compliant Demotic CMS.


Published: 19th, Saturday, Aug, 2023 Last Modified: 19th, Saturday, Aug, 2023